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I’ve Gotta Go, Go, Go…

13 Oct

First Off….if you are reading this my site has moved here

I was very tempted to hit you up with another Ben Cooper track to complete the trilogy. It would have been a song off his solo album, but I thought I’d save it for a little reminiscing in the future. Due to this decision I think I’ll just scroll through my iTunes and see what catches my eye…..ahhhhh yes. Haven’t listened to this band in a while now, sorta glad I decided to do that. Some awesome stuff here. The band is, “Beautiful Small Machines”. Again, one of those bands with a female lead singer that I dig. As I’ve said before, if I dig a female vocalized band then they must be great and in this case that’s couldn’t be anymore true. Well I couldn’t decide between two tracks so you can count yourself lucky. Check it.


“Counting Back To 1”

“Robots In Love”
